

导读 小伙伴们在使用CAD绘图时,经常会遇到需要画矩形的情况。那么问题来了,如何快速输入矩形的长和宽呢?别担心,今天就来手把手教你搞定这个...


首先,打开CAD软件,点击左侧工具栏中的“矩形”图标.Rectangles are one of the basic shapes in CAD design. To draw a rectangle, you need to specify its length and width. After selecting the rectangle tool, click anywhere on the canvas as the starting point. Then, you can either directly input the dimensions in the command line at the bottom of the screen, such as "50x30", or adjust them manually after drawing. ✅


快试试吧,用CAD画出属于你的完美矩形! Rectangles are simple but essential in any design project. Mastering this skill will definitely make your work easier! 🎉

CAD教程 绘图技巧 矩形绘制