
犬肠套叠 | 宠物健康小贴士

导读 🐾 作为宠物主人,看到爱犬出现异常行为时,一定要保持冷静。犬肠套叠是一种紧急情况,通常表现为狗狗腹痛、呕吐、食欲不振甚至排便困难。...

🐾 作为宠物主人,看到爱犬出现异常行为时,一定要保持冷静。犬肠套叠是一种紧急情况,通常表现为狗狗腹痛、呕吐、食欲不振甚至排便困难。如果你发现你的小狗有这些症状,请立即联系兽医!肠套叠若得不到及时治疗,可能会危及生命。

veterinarians recommend keeping an eye on your dog's diet and avoiding sudden changes that could upset its digestive system. Regular exercise and proper nutrition are key to maintaining overall health. If you suspect intestinal problems, don’t hesitate to seek professional help—early intervention can make all the difference! 🐾✨
